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Animal Success Stories
Although animal cruelty exists, we can still make a difference.  You can choose to give an animal a second chance at happiness.

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Lucky Satterlee
Lucky Satterlee

About eight months ago we noticed a dog basking in the sun around some trees. We walk our dogs twice a day and during these times we continually would see this dog in the same area. It was an area between housing complexes. My wife, Renee, had a conversation with one of her friend’s about this dog and found out the dog had been living in a different area for some time before relocating to his current home. Renee’s friend had been leaving food for the dog and tried to set a doghouse for him. When building construction started in that area he relocated to his new position located in our housing area. Renee took the doghouse and placed in some trees in the area he had been seen in. We then started leaving food there at night when no one would see us. We did not want to draw attention to this dog. He was not aggressive and did not bark and wanted nothing to do with humans. When the cold weather started to kill the vegetation around his doghouse we relocated it to another location close by that would provide him better concealment during the winter. Renee added bags of hay around his doghouse to provide more insulation. Our nightly ritual continued. The dog would get food and fresh water every night. We started calling the dog “Lucky” since he was getting food and water every night. During the morning walk of our dogs we would pick up the dog bowl and take it back to prepare for his next meal. We never tried to catch this dog and always gave him his privacy. After continuing this nightly ritual Lucky stated to show up on the path we took to feed him on. If we were a little late in feeding him he would be a little bit closer to us on the path. He eventually would be waiting halfway from his house to ours. He would run in front of us like he was playing tag. He would stop and look at us and then when we would get closer he would run away wagging his tail. It looked like this was the most exciting part of the day for him. Some nights after we left his food for him he would follow us back home for a little distance. He was trying to figure out where we were coming from. He never followed us all the way back but eventually we found him laying down only a few yards from our fence. One night about seven months into feeding him I found him lying outside again close to our fence. I brought both my dogs out and started talking to Lucky. I called Renee, who was at work, and told her Lucky was close to the house. By the time the conversation was over Lucky disappeared into the dark. When Renee got home later that night she went outside to see if Lucky was around. She called me out there and I was shocked to see Lucky sitting right on the other side of the fence from her. I brought out some food and Renee fed lucky from her hand. After a while she went inside. I walked over to the gate t see if Lucky would follow me and he did. I then opened the gate and he came in and stated playing with our lab, Mollie. I told the rest of the family to look in the back yard and they were amazed to see them playing. That night I left our gate open an Lucky slept in our yard. The next morning he was gone. I could not wait to see what he was going to do when we fed him that night. What I did not know was that it would not be at night when I encountered hi next. I saw him walking in a field behind our house just looking in my direction. He then started off back to his normal stomping grounds. On the way there some kids saw him and stated throwing rocks at him. I decided to see of I could get him to come back to the safety of our fence. I walked almost all the way to his doghouse before I caught up with him. He looked excited to see me and followed me all the way to the house. That night he stayed in our yard with the fence closed. The next morning Renee and put a dog collar on him and a leash and took him to the vet. The vet used their foster account and checked for diseases, gave him the required shots and gave him a bath. They also checked the dog for a microchip and found one. We found out two amazing thing at the vet that day. First that he was as healthy as a horse and second he had been living on his own for FOUR YEARS! The owners were tracked down through the Home Again program. We learned that the owners of Lucky, whose real name is “Axis”, were moving in 2004 an asked their 16 year son to take the dog to the Manhattan, KS animal shelter. Instead of doing this, the son dropped the dog off in the middle of Fort Riley and left him. The owners said the dog was a good dog but the apartment they were moving into would not allow pets. We officially adopted the dog after learning the owners did not want him. We took him home and let him into our house. As I am typing this Lucky is snoring lying in his favorite spot. I am still amazed when I look over by the couch and see him there. After four long years on his own he decided to come to us. I think this shows how much a dog and a family can bond after time. Never give up on a dog because he will never give up on you! Sgt J Satterlee, Ft Riley Kansas

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