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Remembering Our Beloved Pets:

For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

- Excerpt from the "Rainbow Bridge" (inspired by a Norse Legend)

Although you are gone, you shall not be forgotten...

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Osa was found at only a few days old and immediately taken to a loving foster family. Osa was a sweet girl that loved her tummy rubbed and gumming any finger she could find. She captured her foster families heart and was loved by everyone that met her, from the kids at the soccer games to the pastor of their church. For several weeks Osa was loved and cared for and now they are lost without her. Osa is no longer struggling and resting peacefully at Rainbow Bridge.

Ellie Mae/Maggie
Ellie Mae arrived at Safe Haven as a stray found in Victor, October of 2007. She immediately melted our hearts with her sweet, cuddly, gentle, and very talkative demeanor. She was adopted in January of 2008. For the last few months her new family made many trips to the vet as they knew something was wrong. Ellie Mae passed away in September of 2009 and is greatly missed by her loving family. She is now at Rainbow Bridge resting peacefully. Her adoptive family wrote this about her "Maggie was a most loyal dog, who only asked that she be allowed to be with us. The last years of her life, she was rarely alone and unfortunately, that only makes us miss her more, because she was part of everything in our lives. Our house and our lives are emptier because of her passing. Words cannot express our sorrow at her loss, however, the joy that she gave us will live in our hearts forever & her memories will always be with us. She taught us far more than we ever taught her."

Turbo was rescued from Kirksville, Missouri and brought to Safe Haven. He arrived in March of 2009 as a puppy and spent most of his time with a loving foster family. Turbo unexpectedly passed away in September of 2009 and is greatly missed by the family that loved and cared for him. He is resting peacefully at Rainbow Bridge.

She was named Puddles because that is where she was found by a caring woman, laying in a Puddle. She was taken to foster for the special care she needed. Puddles was not with us long and passed away. She is no longer struggling and resting peacefully at Rainbow Bridge.

Gemmy was found in a puddle by a caring woman and taken to foster for special care. She was named Gemmy for the almost perfect diamond shape on her forehead. She didn't have the strength to continue and passed away. Gemmy was not with us very long but she is no longer struggling and resting peacefully at Rainbow Bridge.

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