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Remembering Our Beloved Pets:

For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

- Excerpt from the "Rainbow Bridge" (inspired by a Norse Legend)

Although you are gone, you shall not be forgotten...

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Homer was always the smallest kitten but he had a spirit to conquer many obsticles. He left us on July 12, 2007 so unexpectadly. We miss him dearly but he is now resting in peace with those who we lost before him. Good Bye little man.

Jabba was with us just long enough to learn what unconditional love meant. After a hard life with an abusive family he came to learn what a gentle brush and a warm lap to lay in really was. We lost Jabba on July 11, 2007 after giving him daily IV Hydration and force feedings for a week. the cause for his passing will never be known - his blood pressure was so low and he was so dehydrated that no blood could be pulled. We loved Jabba and he will be missed very much. He is no longer suffering!

Heather was rushed to us on July 10th after being found next to her dead mother and 5 dead siblings found 3 miles south of Williamsburg by a caring citizen. Heather was found with one other surviving sibling. Heather only made it 12 hours and then passed away from the damaging affects of heat exposure. Her little soul faught hard and we did everything we could for her. Her brother Champ is doing well. She is no longer suffering and is with her family across the Rainbow Bridge

A small kitten with us such a short time that we did't even get her picture! She was a beautiful brown tabby with calico spots! She was loved while she was with us!

Thunder came to us as a 2 week old kitten with severed dehydration and malnutrition. We fought hard to save him but time was something he didn't have. He was very loved and comforted while he was with us.

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