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Remembering Our Beloved Pets:

For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

- Excerpt from the "Rainbow Bridge" (inspired by a Norse Legend)

Although you are gone, you shall not be forgotten...

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Polly came to us as a puppy full of life and love. She found her forever home and broke every stereotype there is to the pit bull breed. She was a companion to everyone she knew included her four legged friends. She was tragically struck by a car. Polly brought this world a gift, and that gift was to share with the world that pit bulls are dedicated, devoted, and passionate about their two legged pets. She was a wonderful dog who will be missed by everyone who met her.

Dinky was brought to us as a 6 year old female who spent 6 years of her life tied on a chain. She was taken from her owner because he was shooting her with BB pellats. We discovered over the 7 weeks she was under our care that she had never been properly socialized and due to the years of neglect and abuse she could not trust people. Eventually we found out that she has also had a serious infection that had been undiagnosed for some time. After repeated attempts to help Dinky recover from such a dark past we lost our battle. She will always be remembered for her wagging tail and big smile.

Callisto was the son of Carmilla. Callisto was breach at birth which required Carmilla to have an emergency C-Section. Callisto fought with all of his stregth but passed away 24 hours after he was delivered. Callisto means most beautiful.

I was rescued from a farm and only few short days later got very ill from a blocked eurethra. I was a champion at heart, and a favorite of everyone. My rescuers almost had to put me down three times until a second opinion and procedure literally saved my life. I fought like a champion for 5 months,trying to overcome this, but then one day, the battle became too great, and I lost. Each and every one of us will miss Pugsley for his spirit and his personality. We will even miss him peeing on our shoes every morning, it was his way of greeting us. His last morning he spent curled up in Deb's lap as if to say 'it's ok to let me go". His passing was so peaceful and he was surrounded by people who loved him very much

Our family was blessed with the adoption of Sophie in early 2006. She was always eager to go bye-bye and enjoyed her afternoon snack of crackers and swiss cheese tremendously. The companionship that she offered and her love for us was always evident and enthusiastic. In the accompaning photo you will notice her legs straight behind her. From this position she would pivot and bite at the air, and that was her play time. Gently nudging with her nose, and softly biting with her mouth, were her ways of getting your attention. We were not even sure if she knew how to bark, for a couple of months, until someone pulled into the driveway when she was outside. In early 2007 she developed a limp in her right hip. Several trips to our local vet with no decent results, we were refered to a pet hospital in Cedar Rapids. After two exams in Cedar Rapids and no definate diagnosis for the problem, we were directed to the ISU Veterinary Teaching Hospital. During this exam a rectal mass was found, and testing showed it was probably malignant and imaging showed shadows in her lungs indicating the disease there. Sophie was given three-six months of time left, unfortunatly it was just two short weeks later on August 23rd that we had to let her go. Sophie will forever be special in our hearts..........

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