Web page created after adoption by copying the email from former owner:
This is Shirley Konetski. My cousin Joyce had called to explain my situation. The yellow short hair
cat is Dakota. He is 10 yrs old and all four paws declawed. Macey is the 4 yr old Calico cat female.
They both were adopted from the Clinton Humane Society. Dakota in 2009 and Macey about a year ago. We learned of the Stage 4 Kidney Cancer 2 months ago with my husband Paul. He had a tumor in his back that was pushing on his spinal cord that had to be removed. We both shared in the keeping up with the fur babies. Now my hands are full with him and keeping up with the cats. This is a blessing if you can take them in. My heart has been broken so many times and to put down Dakota would just be horrible.He is 10 and I'm afraid no one will take him if I chose a shelter to put him in. I will Monday the 7th have them tested for Feline Lukemia and Feline Aids. Please let me know you received this without any problems.
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