Special Needs: Best kind of food: Organic dog food. It seems to be better on her stomach.
Update 3/3/10 Recently Chrissy showed signs of being very growly with other people and would need to have someone who is very patient with her and can work with her to overcome this. She has been with her foster family since being abandon about 1 1/2 years ago. So this might be part of why she is this way. Update 11/16/09 Chrissy is coming along very nicely with her housetraining. She still has accidents from time to time but is doing better. Chrissy loves to rough house with her brother, Davey. She would be good as an only pet but it might be best if she could be adopted with her brother, Davey. They get along just fine and play well together. Once in awhile a tiff may break out but nothing usually comes of it. Chrissy loves to be outside in a yard to run around, wrestle, play with toys, or chew on a bone. She is also a good inside dog that loves attention but sometimes needs to be kept busy with toys or a bone. She loves to sit by you or lay with you and when working with her alone, she listens pretty good. She can easily be distracted and needs someone to keep her ontrack. She is with several other dogs right now, which can be very distracting when trying to get a point across to her.
Update 9/28/09: Chrissy can not be around small children. She is very nervous with their quick moves and running. It is best that she be around an older child maybe in their teens. My youngest son is 14 and she does fine with him.
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